Hello Family,
How is everyone doing? Once again, I can't believe that it's already been seven days and I am back in the library. It has been an unbelievable week. I wish that you could all be flies on the walls and watch and experience everything that I am experiencing. I would say that this week was really good mostly because of Zone Conference on Thursday. It was President Craven's last Zone Conference and it was one of the best times I've ever heard him speak. My zone has 29 missionaries. It was incredible because we were able to have a lot more one on one time with President and Sister Craven. About a week before the conference, President asked everyone to prepare a talk on the commandments. He told us that he was going to choose 2 missionaries to come up and give their talk. I prepared my talk and focused strictly on obedience. We got to zone conference and I started playing prelude music while everyone was spiritually preparing. I was a little bummed out because I always play the piano for 30 minutes before the meetings and so I never get time to spiritually prepare... and I really wanted to go over my talk in case I was asked to share... but nonetheless I am grateful for the opportunity that I get to share my talents and play on the piano! I miss it! As the meeting began, Sister Craven got up and told us that today we were going to talk about "how to give a talk."She gave a really good training and of course, I was blown away. No one knows how to give a talk. Wow! After learning about how to give a good talk and then going to church yesterday.. my eyes were opened! Anyways, after the training, President got up and of course said, "Sister Worthington, we would now love to have you give your talk, and we will be critiquing you afterwords." Talk about NO PRESSURE at all. Oh my goodness. I got up, gave my talk, and killed it. Afterwards the whole zone told me what I did well and what I could've done better. He made me re-practice some things and it was definitely a humbling experience that I will never forget! I learned SO much! He called a few others up after me and then we moved on. As I mentioned before, I had to do a musical number and it ended up going so well! It was such a spiritual experience for me and I again am just grateful that I can play the piano! The rest of the day was just filled with President's Craven's fantastic words of wisdom and it was just beyond amazing. He and Sister Craven leave next week and he talked a lot about the transition that is going to be happening. I am so grateful for the chance that I had to learn what I did from him, but am also so grateful to get a new mission president! Lucky me, I will just be able to learn from both!!
I want to share with you some things that I learned this past week. I was studying a lot in Joshua 3 & 4 this past week and learned so much! Three things that will forever change my life. 1. Be the first one in. Always be the first one to your meetings, responsibilities, etc. 2. Stand firm in all that you do. Don't waver. and 3. Be the last to leave. Be the "go to" type of servant. Be someone that the Lord can always count on. It's made a lasting impression on me. I have been able to reflect on the past 3 months and am just blown away at the things that I've learned and the person that I have become. Before my mission I was so casually engaged in the Gospel. Now I can say that I am more anxiously engaged. (d&c 58:27) I have learned that the Gospel is not our last option. It is our ONLY option. My heart breaks every day when people that I talk to turn the Gospel down. They don't know what they are missing out on. Are we doing all that we can do to appreciate the Gospel? Everything good that I have in my life has come from my membership in this church. We have been given so much, yet we are so ungrateful. I encourage you each to have a spirit of gratitude! Be more thankful!
I was also studying in Matthew 4 when it talks about the fishes and the apostles. They gave up EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to follow Christ. Would you do that? It made me think of what I would do to know Christ. It made me think of all of the little sins and guilty pleasures that are keeping me from completely knowing Christ. This week I want you to all think of things that are keeping you from following and knowing Christ 100%. I want you to each give up ONE thing this week that will bring you closer to Christ. For some, it might be going without TV. For some, it might be getting off Facebook or Instagram. What ever your little 'sin' or guilty pleasure is, I want you to give it up. Just try it for a week! We are all guilty of it! As I have been able to go without so much of the worldly things, I have found myself drawing closer to Christ. I am happier. I am able to have the Spirit more, and I am more blessed. I know that we cannot do perfect, but we can do faithful. I encourage you to just give up one thing so that you can become closer to your savior. I promise promise promise that you will be blessed! Trust me! "Come unto me. He means he knows the way out. And he knows the way up. He knows it because he has walked it. He knows the way because he is the way." COME UNTO HIM!
As far as investigators go this week... they are still progressing, just slowly! We are still working with 4 that are on date to be baptized. We are just struggling to get them to come to church! I don't know why it is so hard for everyone!! JUST COME TO CHURCH ONE TIME!!! We have so many that are so close. They say they are going to come to church, we get them a ride, and then next thing you know, Sunday morning comes and they call us and say that something came up and that they can't come anymore. It's sooo frustrating. It's happened 4 weeks in a row now. Driving me nuts! Mom, the ones that we are really working with are Britton, Brayden & Whit, and Justin. Pray for them please! :) They are great. It's been so fun to see the changes that have come into their lives. So wonderful! Let's see, today we are going to pick raspberries at a less actives home and I am really excited for that! & then tonight Brayden and Whit are coming to dinner with us and we are going to a members home... so having them in someones home is going to be amazing!! It's sooo hott and my hair is growing like a weed and driving me nuts... but other than that, all is well!
I have to get going now.. sister Ekstrom is giving me the stink eye, but I just want you to all know that i love each one of you, oh so much! You will never truly know! I am so grateful for this chance that I have to learn and to grow. I have changed so much and I have become so converted to this gospel. I am trying not to just go through my mission.. I am trying to let my mission go through me, and it's definitely working! Transfers are next week and I am kinda freaking out.... I have been here in Waxhaw with Sister Ekstrom for 3 months now... and I know without a shadow of a doubt that either she is leaving, or I am leaving. I won't be surprised if I stay... and have to take over the area... but you never know what the Lord has in store! Whatever it is... I am excited! I am excited for change and am excited for this next journey! It will be like starting all over again. President and Sister Craven leave and the new mission president is coming in... so I am also really looking forward to that!! Many changes are about to take place and I'm all about something new so BRING IT!! Family, friends, I LOVE YOU! Never forget who you are and never forget the covenants that you have made. This church is true, God lives, and loves each of you PERFECTLY. My new acronym for the week is KISS. KEEP IT SIMPLE SISTER. Simplicity is all that matters! If you've got the Gospel & your family.... you've got all you need! I love you! Have a perfect week!! See you in seven! xo
Sister Worthington
Some Photos to Make you Laugh...
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From the 630 am study sesh |
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